CVE-2021-38602 and CVE-2021-38603

A few months ago, Joe Helle made a post about how he found some CVEs in open source software one night. I highly recommend reading his article, as it has a wealth of information on what to do if you find a vulnerability in a piece of software. While there is a shortage of people working in cybersecurity, it seems that employers are still very picky about filling these types of roles. Finding a CVE of your own can definitely help you stand out. Here’s the two CVEs I was able to find:


A stored cross site scripting vulnerability is present on the Article editing page in version 5.8.7 of PluXML. User input is not properly sanitized in multiple fields.

Vulnerable Fields:

  • Headline (optional):
  • Content:

Create Article Page

Once inserted, XSS can be triggered by visiting the posted article at the link mentioned under Link to article: near the top of the page.

Link to Article

Headline Stored XSS Example

Headline XSS

Content Stored XSS Example

Content XSS


A stored cross site scripting vulnerability is present on the Profile edit page in the Information: field for each user.

http://<hostname/server ip>/core/admin/profil.php

Vulnerable Fields:

  • Information:

User Profile Page

Once inserted, XSS can be triggered by visiting any page/article created by that particular user.

Profile XSS

There is a wealth of open source software out there that can be tested upon. Here’s a few lists to get you started!